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- The following rules apply only to the zoo archiver itself.
- Currently, all extract-only programs, and all supporting utili-
- ties, are fully in the public domain and are expected to remain so
- for the forseeable future.
- Copyright Statement for Version 1.71
- The distribution restrictions placed on zoo versions 1.71 and ear-
- lier are now relaxed. Version 1.71 and earlier source and the
- AmigaDOS and MS-DOS binary files may be distributed for any pur-
- pose, whether commercial or noncommercial, by anybody, provided
- (a) the files are distributed unmodified and (b) the recipient is
- notified in advance of being provided the software that "version
- 1.71 is an outdated version and version 2.00 and higher versions
- are now available from other sources". However, creation and dis-
- tribution of any derivative work is governed by the copyright
- statement for versions 2.00 and 2.01.
- Copyright Statement for Versions 2.00 and 2.01
- The following conditions apply to the C source code, the MS-DOS
- support package, and to the MS-DOS executable code. Distribution
- conditions for J. Brian Waters's AmigaDOS implementation may
- differ and will be stated in the copyright statement accompanying
- it.
- "This program" refers to versions 2.00 and 2.01 and separately to
- each subsequent version of the Zoo archiver and to all derivative
- works thereof. "Distribution right" means any copyright, compila-
- tion copyright, license, or other right to control distribution or
- copying. "Compiled code" means software that can be executed by a
- computer system.
- This program is copyrighted but its distribution for noncommercial
- purposes is permitted, with the following restrictions.
- - You are prohibited from distributing this program as part of
- any package over which you claim a distribution right. This
- restriction does not apply if any distribution right is
- claimed only over individual items that you own or for which
- the distribution right has been explicitly assigned to you,
- and not over the package as a collection.
- - You are prohibited from making this program available for
- downloading via telecommunications if you charge a total of
- more than $8.00 per hour at 1200 bps during evening and night
- hours.
- - You are prohibited from distributing this program as compiled
- code unless you also distribute the source code from which
- the compiled code was obtained. This restriction does not
- apply if the compiled code was created by me.
- - You are prohibited from creating, from this program, any
- derivative work over which you claim a distribution right.
- - You are prohibited from creating from this program, whether
- deliberately or through negligence, any derivative work that
- violates the compatibility goals stated in the user manual
- for this program.
- - You may use this program, and any derivative works that you
- create, internally within your own organization free of
- charge. You may distribute such derivative works outside
- your organization provided you adhere to all other conditions
- of this copyright policy.
- The above restrictions may be relaxed by special agreement; please
- contact me for details.
- -- Rahul Dhesi 1988/08/25
- UUCP: iuvax!bsu-cs!dhesi or
- pur-ee!bsu-cs!dhesi
- GEnie: DHESI
- Plink: OLS806
- Phone: +1 317 285 8641 daytime EST
- US mail: 720 W. Centennial Ave #15,
- Muncie, Indiana 47303